Category Archives: Технологии

«EPUB From the Ground Up: A Hands-On Guide to EPUB 2 and EPUB 3» — довольно полезный и несложный (для веб-дизайнера) учебник по верстке EPUB, дающий минимально необходимый набор полезной информации об устройстве EPUB и процессе его верстки с нуля. Причём на примере работы в редакторе Sigil. Впрочем, неудивительно, более простого, бесплатного и достаточно мощного инструмента для верстки и правки EPUB так и не появилось.

Aptara запустила eGen

The eGen Platform

The eGen platform is the only technology to automatically generate large volumes of high-quality eBook-ready content at a dramatically reduced cost. This offers publishers a truly flexible solution for distributing their content to eReaders including the Amazon Kindle, SONY Reader, Apple iPhone, and a variety of new devices, such as Barnes & Noble’s Nook.

Convert your content assets for a multitude of eReaders with eGen and benefit from:

* Reduced time-to-market
* Consistent high-quality output
* Exceptionally low cost per eBook
* Conformity with IDPF’s .epub standard
* Conversion of large volumes of content at once
* Automated processing of illustrations, formulas & graphs
* A new revenue stream, with a highly compelling return on investment

К таблетке от Apple будь готов!

Condé Nast Gets Wired Ready For Apple Tablet (In Case There Is One) | paidContent

Just as Condé Nast celebrates the acceptance of the special, digitized issue of GQ into Apple’s App store, the company is now hoping and praying the rumors of an Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) Tablet will come true next year. Just in case, CN is readying a digital version Wired magazine, ads and all, for the awaited Apple gadget, MediaMemo’s Peter Kafka reports. Ultimately, the plan is to create a template for all 18 of CN’s titles.

Not that anyone should assume CN has any inside word on Apple’s plans, as the publisher’s CEO Charles Townsend says the company isn’t offering any clues. In any case, CN wants to make sure that its digitized mags can fit any of the other large touch-screen products that are definitely coming to the market. CN will rely on new software from Adobe (NSDQ: ADBE), which is working exclusively with the publisher on this. Other mag owners are expected to get the digital mag software sometime next year.

Конец 2010 года: цветной букридер с видео от Qualcomm

Qualcomm mirasol color video ebook readers to ship in 2010 – SlashGear

Qualcomm Mirasol ebook reader prototype 14 351x500
Ebook readers are arguably coming of age, but don’t assume e-ink – and the push to produce color e-ink panels – have won the game quite yet. SlashGear met up with Qualcomm’s mirasol team today to discuss their latest display news, and while you might remember the technology from their early 1.1-inch single-color panels, they’re now showing off a 5.7-inch display capable of full color and video playback, with minimal impact on battery life. They’ve set themselves the target of having color ebook readers with mirasol panels on the market by the latter part of 2010, and are working with OEMs now to achieve that.

Плагин для Firefox для чтения epub

EPUBReader :: Add-ons for Firefox
Плагин пока очень простенький. Но автор над ним работает – мгновенно откликнулся на замечания и пофиксил баг. Всё работает и есть куда развиваться. К не очень большому набору программных ридеров epub добавился ещё один. Учитывая распространенность Firefox, такое решение может оказаться одним из самых массовых для PC и ноутбуков.

Kindle для PC — удар по будущему Google Books Store и iTunes Books Store

Анонс Amazon о скором появлении бесплатной программы Kindle for PC (и для Mac), которяа позволит покупать и читать электронные книги книги
из онлайнового магазина — это не просто шаг на встречу тем, у кого нет амазоновского букридера. В сущности — это «iTunes для книг». Пока Apple еще собирается заводить «таблетку», а к ней — книжный ассортимент в iTunes, пока Google только пообещал завести книжный магазин с загрузкой книг «на любое устройство в браузер» — Amazon уже готов. И спрос, очевидно, будет, поскольку распространенность букридеров не идет ни в какое сравнение с распространенностью нетбуков, ноутбуков и обычных десктопов. В общем, это очень сильный и правильный шаг.
Осталось только уговорить издателей и начать готовить электронный контент.

HP готовит масштабный POD-проект

AFP: HP partners with university to print digital books

The US computer giant announced Wednesday it has teamed with the University of Michigan to offer print versions of more than 500,000 out-of-copyright books in the school’s library.
The books will be available for purchase through online retail giant Amazon and other outlets including HP’s own, which already offers public domain volumes for print on-demand and purchase.

Судя по всему, этот союз решил войти на тот же рынок, что и Google с On Demand Books.

Двухэкранный букридер на Android

Spring Design

Spring Design today announced Alex™, the first Google Android-based e-book with full browser capabilities and patented dual screen, the Duet Navigator™.
Alex, the first Google Android-based e-book device to provide full Internet browsing over Wi-Fi or mobile networks such as 3G, EVDO/CDMA and GSM.
Alex™ features a 6″ E-Ink EPD display and 3.5″ color LCD display, earphones and speakers. A removable SD card will free up library space on the device while letting users archive content for future reference.

Магазин, по слухам, — Barnes&Noble.

Букридер для B&N спроектировали экс-дизайнеры Apple и Kindle

Barnes & Noble Taps Kindle Designer For Its Athena e-Book Reader – BusinessWeek

amazon athena.jpg
Yes, it’s true. The much-anticipated device from Barnes & Noble, which has been eliciting oohs and ahs since leaked photos appeared on Gizmodo, was designed by Ammunition Partners, a San Francisco firm headed by former Apple design chief Robert Brunner.
Although Amazon has never confirmed this, two sources tell me that Brunner’s team also designed the initial Kindle for Amazon in 2007. Back then, the Net giant had yet to design a hardware product of its own, so relied heavily on Ammunition to come up with the look and feel for the device. Brunner, among other things, is famous for overseeing design of Apple’s first laptop.

Новый букридер от Barnes&Noble?

Exclusive: First Photos of Barnes & Noble’s E-Reader – Barnes and Nobles reader – Gizmodo

Barnes and Noble’s late to e-books. But the company’s new gadget—first seen here—should address the weaknesses of all other readers with screens evoking a Kindle and an iPhone. A source from within reveals the first photos and details.

The Barnes and Nobles e-reader project, set to be revealed next week, has been under development for years, with several devices of varying size and capability in the pipeline. First rumors said it would have a color e-ink screen. Then people said it didn’t. They were both kind of right: The layout will feature a black and white e-ink screen like the Kindle has—and a multitouch display like an iPhone underneath other. Pow!

Слишком похоже на полет фантазии дизайнера. Но, возможно, и правда. Соединение двух дисплеев – черно-белого eink и цветного сенсорного LCD – было бы интересным решением.